Lost Poems

Little Heart

Just a little red heart means nothing to anyone else ,it was given for safe keeping it takes pride of place on my wall shelf.
Just a little heart it represents a memory of love ,I hold it from time to time whenever I feel lonely or times are tough.
Just a little heart it feels smooth to the touch, it warms in my hand when coldness and darkness encroach
Just a little heart I stare upon it sometimes ,and dream of the person that gave it and the affection as it left their hand....
Just a little heart but a big thing to me it Colours my imagination its my friend when no one is near.
Just a little heart the deepest Crimson like the embered fire ,so quietly quietly smouldering until our paths cross again .
Just a little heart I keep safe while not on land, waiting for a time I can place it safely back in your loving hands it's just a little heart


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